Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ap® Biology Lab Manual Diffusion And Osmosis

Nights of Hell in Paradise


What girl has never dreamed of being queen of the prom year? Diaphanous dress, an elegant horseman and lover, a heady music ... The stories in this collection meet all of the heroines who have to access the podium. Unfortunately, that's not counting on vampires, demons and other undead guests to the celebration ... So ready to dance with the devil?

Notices :

A common theme for five stories written by five different authors: a typical American prom (with meringues satin dresses large bouquet and wrist), carrying the hopes and dreams of the participants, goes wrong, and it's hell on earth.
free to tell each story in its own way.

I will not beat around the bush, all is readable, but I have not transcended.

The new Stephenie Meyer is disappointing (yep, I am among those who love Twilight, and I assume!). A cruel demon who asks only to plunge the world into misery and distress meets a handsome young man (Gabi, or rather Gabriel), and in less than two it is ready to go with him to roll the marshmallow in the country the Bears. A little light ...

Then comes that of Meg Cabot, author I like well too, telling the adventures of a young girl passing her evenings to plant stakes into the hearts of vampires. Angel and Spike are not there, yet it is the spirit of Buffy floating on this new, entertaining, but not original.

Bouquet Lauren Myracle, with its showy and history of marble left me wishes I did not see any interest, so we'll pass.

Finally, Kim Harrison is raising the level with Madison Avery, the girl who refuses her new status as dead. Funny, removed, with a peak cynicism, I was pleased with her a few pages that had a taste of too little.

Michelle Jaffe closing the book and save the set with "Fatal Kiss", another very funny, brisk with a wonder-woman a bit stuck and a serial-kisseuse completely crazy. Again this author delights me.

Both updates are worth it, if you please lend the book, but do not put your savings into it!


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